WGP: Gunina still ahead

After three rounds, Valentina Gunina is leading the FIDE Women’s Grand Prix with 2.5 points; followed by Harika Dronavalli, Ju Wenjun, Humpy Koneru, and Aleksandra Goryachkina with 2 points; Elisabeth Paethz and Kateryna Lagno are still in the 50% zone – 1.5 each; Antoaneta Stefanova, Alexandra Kosteniuk, Pia Cramling and Marie Sebag – 1 point; Alina Kashlinskaya – 0.5 point. 

The sole leader of the Skolkovo Women’s Grand Prix Valentina Gunina drew against the second-seeded player Aleksandra Goryachkina and kept her lead with 2.5 points. The Queen’s Gambit was played, where black managed to trade both bishops and held the draw in the endgame.

In her game with Humpy Konery Alina Kashlinskaya apparently overlooked the move 18.Neg5! (the exchange 17… Bxe4 was called for) after which it was all over for black.  The shortest game of the round lasted just 20 moves. 

Another Indian participant, GM Harika Dronavalli, celebrated a victory against French GM Marie Sebag. Harika decided to play a very unusual first move – f4, known as the Bird’s Opening (Dutch Defense with reversed colors). Harika gained initiative in the middlegame, snatched a pawn and confidently converted her material advantage in a rook endgame.

The Rubinstein variation of four knights opening was played in the game between GM Kateryna Lagno and GM Aleksandra Kosteniuk. The opponents reconstructed a long theoretical line in which Black reached a safe heaven with a perpetual check. 

The clash between the former World Champion, Antoaneta Stefanova and the current World Champion, Ju Wenjun also resulted in a draw. In the Petrov’s Defence, black managed to get a slightly better position, but it was not enough for something more substantial than a half-point. 

The evaluation of position in the game Elisabeth Paethz and Pia Cramling hardly deviated from equality, so the draw was a logical outcome.

The guest of honor during the third round was Victor Vekselberg, Chairman of the Board of Skolkovo Foundation, who made the first move on the first board. Among the side activities, Grandmaster Sergey Zagrebelny offered a simul exhibition against the students of the Botvinnik Chess School.

The four-round games will be played at 3 pm local time (GMT +3) on September 14.

Spectators can follow the games with English and Russian commentaries: https://www.youtube.com/fidechannel

Official website: https://wgp2019.fide.com