Q3PB-2019/01 To call an Extraordinary GA and Executive Board in the second half of December 2019.
Q3PB-2019/02 To encourage the CCA and NCF to propose a longer term (up to three years) development plan within their jurisdictions.
Q3PB-2019/03 To approve a motion of non-disclosure related to the 2014-2018 Forensic Audit.
Q3PB-2019/04 To approve the bid of Yekaterinburg (RUS) to organize the 2020 Candidates’ Tournament.
Q3PB-2019/05 To extend a bid deadline for the 2020 World Chess Championship Match until November 1, 2019.
Q3PB-2019/06 To approve a split venue – Shanghai (China) and Vladivostok (Russia) – for the 2020 Women World Championship Match. The event will be organized in January 2020.
Q3PB-2019/07 To confirm а filing of a report to the Ethics Commission in a so-called Morgunov case on behalf of the Board. To investigate ethical incidents reported by the President and to confirm the authority of the FIDE President to sign all necessary documents in this regard on behalf of the Board, including the subsequent filing of a report to the Ethics Commission.
Q3PB-2019/08 To consider a ban on smoking in FIDE tournaments.
Q3PB-2019/9 To approve holding consultations with EXPO 2020 organizers in Dubai regarding hosting one of the FIDE events at EXPO facilities.
Q3PB-2019/10 The Board approved the regulations of the World Cup 2021, conditional on the confirmation of the Belarus Government for the proposed changes, regarding final dates and length of the event.
Q3PB-2019/11 To approve the Euro as the main currency for the FIDE tournaments from 2022.
Q3PB-2019/12 To instruct the Task Group headed by the FIDE Constitutional Commission Chairman Mr. Roberto Rivello to summarize and consider all the suggested amendments by the end of October 2019.
Q3PB-2019/13 To approve a resolution on fee reduction that builds upon the Q2PB decision taken in Baku.
Q3PB-2019/14 To approve the federation name change from FYROM to North Macedonia.
Q3PB-2019/15 To ask the Constitutional Commission to review the membership status of Netherlands Antilles.
Q3PB-2019/16 To continue monitoring the situation in the Ivory Coast CF until the local elections are over.
Q3PB-2019/17 To approve an agreement with SILA International Lawyers.
Q3PB-2019/18 To study further a possibility of organizing the World Club Cup.
Q3PB-2019/19 To approve the following members of the panel for the Gligoric Fair Play Award, as proposed by its Chairman Mahir Mamedov: GM Judith Polgar and GM Eugenio Torre.
Q3PB-2019/20 To approve new QC titles.
Q3PB-2019/21 To note that a work of Arbiters’ Commission, Rules Commission and Technical Commission requires a serious improvement. To acknowledge that a report of the Technical Commission was poorly structured and a report of the Rules Commission did not contain proposals on a number of topical issues. To call upon all Commission Chairmen to present their reports and annexes in a clear way.
Q3PB-2019/22 To approve new ARB titles.
Q3PB-2019/23 To draw the ARB Chairman’s attention to such crucial areas as arbiter training, retraining, recertification and nomination.
Q3PB-2019/24 To demand the ARB Chairman to produce by October 01, 2019 pools of arbiters to assist GSC in choosing arbiters for FIDE major events scheduled for the next few months based on evaluation criteria reported on Board meeting.
Q3PB-2019/25 To demand the Arbiters’ Commission to establish a comprehensive system of arbiter retraining and recertification based on successful initiatives already tested by continents and national federations.
Q3PB-2019/26 To organize training events in all continents and large FIDE zones in order to guarantee high quality of arbiters that will serve in the 2020 and the 2022 Olympiads.
Q3PB-2019/27 To approve new TRG titles. To invite eligible voters to cast their votes for nominees for five FIDE Trainer Awards 2018.
Q3PB-2019/28 To approve new EVE titles.
Q3PB-2019/29 To acknowledge qualified bids for the 2021 World Amateur 2021, World Seniors and 2021 World Senior Team Championships from Russia, Germany, Malta and Italy. To instruct EVE to follow up with the regular inspection process.
Q3PB-2019/30 To approve a request from the Medical Commission concerning details of emergency medical response protocols (including personnel).
Q3PB-2019/31 To ask the GDPR Committee to report on the actions necessary in order to ensure FIDE compliance with the GDPR.
Q3PB-2019/32 To delay any decision on Grenada membership until more information on the setup of the federation is provided.
Q3PB-2019/33 To approve new Legal Regulations concerning the FIDE Moscow office.
Q3PB-2019/34 To not approve the proposals of the Fair Play Commission that sought to establish a new, parallel, system of titles for Anti-Cheating Officers, Lecturers and Experts.
Q3PB-2019/35 To acknowledge that the Czech Chess Federation expelled Mr. Igors Rausis. To remove Mr. Rausis’s affiliation from the FIDE rating list once the Czech Chess Federation submits all documents that were pertinent to its decision.
Q3PB-2019/36 To approve in principle the regulations for the 2024 Olympiad. After minor adjustments are made, to open a bidding procedure in October 2019.