FIDE Trainer Awards 2018

The International Chess Federation (FIDE) and the FIDE Trainers’ Commission (TRG) invites nomimees for the Trainer Awards 2018. Eligible are all FIDE trainers with a valid license for 2018 and 2019, except for the TRG Chairman and Secretary and the Executive Director. 

We are looking for the best achievements in 2018 in the following categories: 

The Mikhail Botvinnik Award for an achievement by a trainer of men or a team in an open event 
The Vakhtang Karseladze Award for an achievement by a trainer of women or a team in a women’s event 
The Mark Dvoretsky Award for an achievement by a trainer of juniors or a team in a junior event for Juniors 
The Tigran Petrosian Award for Special Achievements 
The Yuri Razuvaev Award for Contributions to Trainer Education 

A balanced panel of judges consists of both experienced players and trainers:

World Champion Vladimir Kramnik 
World Champion & FST Susan Polgar 
World Champion Zhu Chen 
World Champion & FST Antoaneta Stefanova 
GM & FST Eugene Torre 
GM & FST Alonso Zapata 
GM & FST Slim Bouaziz 

Eligible for nomination: 

FIDE Office Bearers 
Continental Chess Federations 
National Chess Federations 
TRG Commission Members 
FIDE Endorsed Academies 

Do note that the same person cannot be nominated in more than one category from the same eligible body. 

The nominations form must be submitted by email to TRG Secretary Peter Long ( by 31 August 2019. 

The judges’ decision is final and not open to discussion, nor shall the judges be requested to give any justification of their ruling. 

The Boleslavsky/Averbakh Award will be judged separately.