FIDE Resolution on Financial Regulations

The Presidential Board confirms its intention to reduce a number of applicable fees and in development of decisions approved at the Q3 meeting (decision No. Q2PB-2019/11) hereby resolves as follows:

1. To confirm its decision to suggest a major fee reduction to the General Assembly, including:

a) waiving all fees for the developing countries (levels 4-5);
b) 50% reduction for level 3 countries;
c) waiving all veteran fees;
d) a quota for additional 30% tournaments to be rated for free (countries level 1-2);
e) 40% reduction on youth competitions fees.

2. To assign the FIDE Treasurer Ms. Zhu Chen to draft changes to the Financial regulations no later than on 31.10.2019 for their further approval.

FIDE President
Arkady Dvorkovich