Dear Member Federations,
We are glad to inform you that FIDE has extended the application period for the Aid Package Program for Open Tournaments 2022 for a few more days, until Monday, January 10.
Please see below the original announcement with conditions, requirements, and selection criteria.
Following the success of the FIDE Open Tournaments support in 2021, FIDE will be expanding and extending Aid Package Program through 2022.
This project will support seasoned professionals, aspiring youth, female players, veterans, representatives of all Continents. It will also help organisers of traditional events, who struggle to stage competitions in the Covid times.
A total of €150,000 will be allocated by FIDE to support open tournaments all over the world in 2022.
Each open tournament Organiser applying for the Aid Package shall accept the conditions and meet the requirements listed below.
- An application for the Aid Package shall be sent to by 15 December 2021
- The Aid Package cannot exceed 20% of the total budget and cannot exceed €15,000
- At least 10% of the total prize fund shall be allocated for women’s prizes, and at least 5% of the total prize fund shall be allocated for veteran’s prizes
- FIDE may require the tournament to establish lower fees (or absence of fees) for the agreed categories of participants (veterans, youth, women, representatives of developing countries)
- Mention “Financially supported by FIDE” shall be visible on tournament’s media resources (e. g. webpage, social media pages)
- FIDE may require FIDE and its sponsors to be reasonably represented at the tournament
- The Organiser is requested to fill out the following form (see below).
Application form for Aid Package (PDF)
Application form for Aid Package (MS Word)
- Events with the classical time control shall be prioritised
- Event’s history
- Event’s strength
- Geographical location
- Amount of the prize fund and its distribution
- Fair Play measures
The list of the selected Opens shall be announced by 15 January 2022.