Ethics Commission Election

Dear chess community!
According to the agenda of the Extraordinary General Assembly in Abu Dhabi, elections to the FIDE Ethics Commission will be held. 
FIDE invites candidates who feel prepared for such a responsible position to send appropriate notifications to the FIDE Secretariat. 
We would ask prospective candidates to provide basic information in such a notification that will help delegates make an informed choice, namely:
Full name
Date of birth & current age
Place of residence
Federation belonging to
Formal qualifications
Fluency in languages spoken & written
Legal experience (if any) — number of years & nature thereof
Experience in FIDE administration (if any) – number of years & nature thereof
Experience in national federation administration (if any) – number of years & nature thereof
Other relevant professional experience — number of years & nature thereof
Information about the holding of chess titles (as a player or arbiter)
The notification should be signed by the prospective candidate, and the candidate is encouraged attach a recent photo and his / her CV.

The prospective candidate should consent to his personal data, which he sent to Secretariat, being published as part of the electoral procedure.
Please note that according to the current FIDE Statutes, a candidate is considered formally nominated only if he is supported by the FIDE President, the Continental President, or the FIDE Member Federation.  Please attach the appropriate letter, if available.
We would like to draw attention to the fact that, although nominees can be formally nominated no later than February 27 (subject to the support of those who are eligible to nominate), we encourage interested persons to submit their candidacies earlier, preferably no later than February 25, 2020