New set of FIDE regulations came into force

A new set of regulations covering FIDE titles, rapid and blitz games and ratings became effective as of January 1,  2022.  Worked out by FIDE Qualification Commission (QC), the new regulations came out after a lengthy period of consultation with other Commissions, federations, individual players, and chess supporters worldwide.

Two important meetings, one limited to the QC members and another open to all, took place in 2020.  The most significant point of interest was the minimum time controls for games to be rated by FIDE. After many different views were expressed, the QC put together a detailed questionnaire, again open to all (but not anonymously).  There was then another worldwide Zoom meeting where final decisions were taken. As a result, 3-hour games (90+90) will be accepted provided that both players are rated below 2400, an increase from 2200. Hopefully, it will help the organisers of tournaments with shorter time controls to submit their events for FIDE rating.

FIDE Title Regulations effective from January 1, 2022

Changes made to FIDE Title Regulations (effective from 1 January 2022) (Word document)

FIDE Rating Regulations effective from January 1, 2022

Changes made to FIDE Rating Regulations (effective from 1 January 2022) (Word document)

FIDE Rapid & Blitz Regulations effective from January 1, 2022

Changes made to FIDE Rapid and Blitz Rating Regulations (effective from 1 January 2022) (Word document)

It should be noted that these regulations are intended for the long term.  Chess is now returning to normal after almost two years of lockdowns and quarantine, but the damage to the rating system caused by this gap in results is yet to be assessed.  Possibly, some short term adjustments will be required.  If so, the chess community will be kept informed, although the consultations might not be as lengthy.