The International Chess Federation, together with the organizers of the 44th FIDE Chess Olympiad, is pleased to announce support for teams and delegates from developing federations for travel to Chennai.
Targeting to achieve maximum possible participation, the total amount of travel subsidy was increased and reached 1.5 million euros – the highest ever. This support will be shared among up to 150 member federations.
Committed to transparency, FIDE is publishing a transparent and fair policy of allocations of travel subsidy, which you can find below. While general principles will be followed duly, FIDE will examine individual cases and requests with due care.
Looking forward to seeing you all in Chennai!
Travel Subsidies for Participants of Olympiad and Delegates of FIDE Congress
1) FIDE will subsidize travel to Chennai for eligible federations as follows:
Development Level 3, 4 and 5 federations will have their travel to Chennai subsidized up to the following limits:
– for federations in Africa – 1,000 euros per person (12,000 euros for a full team*)
– for federations in Americas – 1,500 euros per person (18,000 euros for a full team*)
– for federations in Asia – 500 euros per person (6,000 euros for a full team*)
– for federations in Europe – 750 euros per person (9,000 euros for a full team*)
– for federations in Oceania – 1,500 euros per person (18,000 euros for a full team*)
FIDE Treasurer may, at her own discretion, increase the amount of travel subsidy for certain federations taking into account their particular circumstances.
* Note: Full teams mean 12 persons – Open and Women teams each comprised 5 players and a captain.
** Note: The development levels of the federation are listed here:
2) In exceptional circumstances, Development Level 1 and 2 federations may apply for travel subsidies. Valid reasons for such applications may be a remote location (and therefore very expensive tickets), the poor economic situation in a country (as evidenced by per capita GDP significantly lower than the world’s average and other relevant economic indicators), etc. Such applications will be reviewed and decided by FIDE Treasurer on a case-by-case basis. As a general rule, the travel subsidy limits for Development Level 1 and 2 federations are 50% of the limits stipulated in paragraph 1 for the respective continents. FIDE Treasurer, at her own discretion, may decide to provide lower or higher subsidies depending on particular circumstances of the federations in question.
3) Expenses covered by travel subsidy: economy class air tickets and other essential expenses related to international travel (visas, Covid-19 tests if necessary, etc.). Discretionary expenses (incl. meals) will not be reimbursed.
4) National chess federations shall make travel arrangements on their own and send requests for the travel subsidy together with relevant supporting documents (tickets / receipts / invoices / etc.) to FIDE Office. Travel subsidy will be paid within four weeks after the Olympiad completion taking into account the actual number of persons who arrived at the Olympiad. Expenses incurred with respect to persons who did not arrive at the Olympiad will not be reimbursed. For the avoidance of doubt, if actual travel expenses are lower than the above limits, only actual expenses will be reimbursed.
5)In exceptional cases, federations may apply to receive travel subsidy prior to the Olympiad. FIDE Treasurer will review such applications and decide on the amount of prepayment (if any) on a case-by-case basis.
6) Delegates of FIDE Congress are eligible for travel subsidy on the same principles as described in paragraphs 1 and 2 above.
7) All communications on this matter (applications for travel subsidies, expense reports, etc.) shall be sent to FIDE emails and