FIDE WGP: Dinara Wagner reigns in Cyprus

GM Kateryna Lagno and GM Aleksandra Goryachkina qualified for the Candidates. It’s not often that the lowest-rated player in the field takes down a tough event, but WGM Dinara Wagner fought against the odds in Cyprus and achieved the most important success in her career.  In the last-round, must-win scenario, Wagner defeated GM Bella Khotenashvili […]

Igor Zaitsev celebrates his 85th birthday

Igor Zaitsev, a legendary analyst and pioneer of many trails in chess openings, has turned 85 today. His most valuable contribution to opening theory is, arguably, the so-called Zaitsev Variation. Indeed, Igor was first to realize that the rook could move back – over a half-century it had not occurred to the best players in […]