WGP New Dehli Round 6 recap: The halfway point

Bibisara Assaubayeva defied the odds and secured a remarkable victory against Polina Shuvalova, despite initially facing an uphill battle. The three other games ended in a draw As the Women’s Grand Prix tournament in New Delhi reached its halfway point, Round Six brought an electrifying array of games to the forefront. With all four boards […]

WCF Game Recap 3: 98% precision in Chongqing!

They say that the sun always shines after a storm. In the wake of two days of excitement and ups and downs, this afternoon’s third game in Chongqing was an oasis of peace and tranquillity. After three of the six scheduled classical games, the Women’s Candidates final is now tied 1.5-1.5. Playing with White, Tan Zhongyi switched […]