EICC 2023, R07: Korobov retakes the lead

Ukrainian GM Anton Korobov (UKR, 2658) once again took the sole lead in the European Individual Chess Championship 2023 after defeating IM Stamatis Kourkoulos-Arditis (GRE, 2520) in Round 7. The Greek IM sacrificed a piece in a very sharp and complicated game, but Korobov found a way to defend and consolidate the position. Kourkoulos-Arditis had […]

International Women’s Day Chess festival held in Tirana, Albania

International Chess Federation, Balkan Chess Federation and Albanian Chess Federation, in collaboration with Albanian Center for Openness and Dialogue, jointly held the International Women’s Day Chess festival, a series of chess events to celebrate the International Women’s Day and reinforce the commitment to women’s equality. The large-scale celebration took place from March 9-10, 2023 and […]

FIDE – ISF World School Teams Online Chess Cup postponed

Following requests from participants and enabling more teams to register and take part in the Cup, the Organizing Committee of the FIDE – ISF World School Teams Online Chess Cup decided to make some changes to the event regulations. Given the above,  the competition is postponed.  The new dates for Qualification events will be the 29th […]