WR Chess Masters Round 7: Gukesh catches up with Aronian

Gukesh has caught up with Levon Aronian. After a Black win over Andrey Esipenko in the seventh round of the WR Chess Masters, the youngest competitor now shares the top spot with the oldest on 4.5 points. The two will meet in the ninth and final round, potentially a showdown for the tournament title. Heading […]

Wissmann wins in Finland, solvers move to Poland and Netherlands

The 44th Finnish Championship in solving took place in the Chess Arena in Helsinki. The longtime director of the competition, Neal Turner, carefully selected the 12 problems to be solved within three hours. In solving competitions, the problems should not be just challenging; they must be of good quality, showing interesting and original ideas in an […]

UPDATE: Fair Play Commission on the Carlsen/Niemann Report

On February 17, the Fair Play Commission (FPL) unanimously adopted the report on the Carlsen/Niemann incident drafted by the Panel tasked with investigating the case, composed of Klaus Deventer (chair), Vincent Geeraets and Salomeja Zaksaite. On February 20, the 30-page report was forwarded to the Ethics and Disciplinary Commission (EDC) for further consideration.  EDC’s nominated […]