Baltag and Petrenko clinch Moldova championship

IM Iulian Baltag and IM Svetlana Petrenko are 2021 Moldovian Champions. Iulian Baltag defended his title in a Swiss-tournament, brushing aside the competition of 22 players, including eight International Masters. On the road to the title, he drew four games and scored five wins (7 out of 9), including a very important last-round victory. This is his third triumph […]

FIDE Athletes Commission composition announced

The International Chess Federation is pleased to announce the composition of the newly created Athletes Commission:     GM A. R. Saleh Salem (UAE) GM Ahmed Adly (Egypt) IM Alina Kashlinskaya (Russia) GM Antoaneta Stefanova (Bulgaria) IM Carolina Lujan (Argentina) GM David Navara (Czech Republic) IM Dinara Saduakassova (Kazakhstan) IM Ekaterina Atalik (Turkey) IM Jomo Pitterson (Jamaica) […]