World Corporate Championship: Provisional list of participants
A provisional list of registered teams has been published on the official website of the 1st FIDE Online World Corporate Championship: AFS (RUS) ALOK (IND) AMERICAN EXPRESS (USA) AUTODESK (USA) BANK NOTE PAPER MILL INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED (IND) BLUE NOBLE (USA) FACEBOOK INC. (USA) GOLOMT BANK LLC (MNG) GORDIC SPOL. S R.O. (CZE) GRUPO MUÑOZ (CRC) IHS […]
Mansour Gbedo Sy wins Senegal Open Championship
Organized by the Senegalese Chess Federation the Senegal Open Chess Championship took place from December 4-6, 2020, at Cours Sainte-Marie de Hann, in Dakar. The seven-round Swiss tournament brought together 46 players and was open to all Senegalese and foreign players residing in Senegal for at least two years. The event served as a qualifier […]