Russia dominates EOYCC

The first European Online Youth Team and Individual Chess Championship brought together more than 700 players from 40 European federations and stretched over three days. The event was played in a 9-round Swiss tournament format with the time control 25 min + 5 sec in eight different sections: Open U18, U16, U14, U12, Girls U18, U16, […]

Webinar on Arbiters’selection in FIDE tournaments

The third webinar by the FIDE Arbiters’ Commission, scheduled for September 28, 2020, and will focus on the selection of arbiters in FIDE Tournaments. Following a request by the FIDE Council to explain the criteria for the selection of arbiters, Laurent Freyd, FIDE Arbiters’ Commission Chairman, and Nebojsa Baralic, FIDE Arbiters’ Commission Secretary, will try […]