World Cup: Vachier-Lagrave, Vitiugov and Yu Yangyi progress to quarters

The return games of the Round 4 were played on September 21. Only three players advanced to the next stage outright, and we saw two comebacks. Maxime Vachier-Lagrave, who played against Peter Svidler with Black, made a draw and became the first player to reach the quarterfinals of the World Cup, winning the match 1.5 to 0.5. […]

FIDE Resolution on Financial Regulations

The Presidential Board confirms its intention to reduce a number of applicable fees and in development of decisions approved at the Q3 meeting (decision No. Q2PB-2019/11) hereby resolves as follows: 1. To confirm its decision to suggest a major fee reduction to the General Assembly, including: a) waiving all fees for the developing countries (levels […]

Humpy Koneru wins and overtakes Ju Wenjun

Humpy Koneru wins her fourth game in a row and takes the lead at Skolkovo Women’s Grand Prix after the previous leader Ju Wenjun is defeated by Kateryna Lagno and drops to the second position. Kateryna Lagno beat the tournament’s leader Ju Wenjun, in their first clash since their World Championship match played last November. The Chinese […]