Following the success of its Online Cup for People with Disabilities, FIDE is launching a similar event, the Online Junior Cup for Players U20 with Disabilities. The five-round Swiss tournament with time control 10 + 5 will take place on a popular platform on on June 21, 2020. The first round in the event officiated by Marco Biagioli (Chief Arbiter) and Rahim Gasimov (Deputy Chief Arbiter), starts at 2 PM GMT.
The event will bring together 49 junior players with various disabilities from 17 national federations, representing three continents (the registration is closed now). This time around, America has a very broad representation: players from Colombia, Chile, Venezuela, Paraguay, and surely the USA will compete with their opponents from the Old World.
Ilya Lipilin (Russia), Max Dave Tellor (USA) and Griffin Mcconnell (Philippines) top the starting list.
The games will be streamed live on the official site